The thick concrete bridge holds hundreds of thousands of
cars, trucks, busses and other vehicles each week as they pass through the
center of the city. Many of the drivers are listening to the radio, talking on
their phones, conversing with other passengers or adrift in thought. To most of
those passing by the bridge is unnoticed, except maybe the slight bump when it
starts and when it finishes. But it is under that very bridge that the miracles
happen, some subtle, some life changing right then and there.
Brother Duane was the Spirit lead leader of the drifting and
seemingly unwanted crowd that gathered here. He came to this spot in the cool
mornings of spring, the sweltering days of summer, the freezing winters, rain
or shine. He was called to the people here. Where a father goes so goes his
family and Duane 's wife and kids often came along. They prayed with the
lonely, they handed out sandwiches, they sang and cried, laughed and listened.
It was an amazing time.
Then came the day Duane heard a new calling and moved his
family to the country. It was a drastic change but exciting and it seemed a
much needed time for rest and rejuvenation. His fifth child on the way and
ideas for spending time with the little ones in a new, still, quiet place
seemed perfect.
There was still lingering business and needs in the big city
and trips back and forth were just a requirement. One day after completing the
city tasks, Duane was driving back to the country when something went wrong. He
was killed in a single vehicle accident.
The oldest of the five is precious Esalem. A petite, small
blond girl with a infinite smile. She is energetic to a fault and like most
young girls has more words to share than can be released in a day. Her father
had been talking to her about the things that made living in the country fun.
One of the ideas was hunting. He had promised to take her soon and as a young
girl she build a world around the expectation and time to come with her daddy.
They would never be able to take the adventure together.
Each night, after the hunting, hiking, shooting and fun
there were still quiet moments when I talked with the girls. Broken dreams,
broken families and wounded hearts poured out in the safe confines of the ranch
house. Pickles shared her heart. She told how just weeks before her daddy had promised
to take her hunting and she would never get to go with him. Another girl shared
with Pickles that she too had lost her dad in a similar way and how she makes
it, sometimes, day by day.
It's been several years now since that first outing and Pickles has become a dear addition to our
growing girls ministry. A couple weeks ago we went back for our third annual
trip to the ranch where we spent that first weekend. Again, her heart was
tender and open. We talked long into the night about how she felt and how
sometimes, lots of times, it still hurts. She was especially emotional this
trip. My heart cried.
Not far from the concrete bridge where Pickles daddy once
shared the kindness of our loving Father is a small ministry coffee shop that
is open to anyone who needs a break, rest, prayer or a meal. Some of the same people who had gathered under
the bridge frequent the coffee shop. On Easter I was invited there to serve ice
cream and food for a few hours. Pickles was there. I watch in amazement as she
moved about the volunteers and itinerant. She told me stories about some of the
homeless who were there, their character traits, joyful and scary antics and
quirks. She knew the people, the place was comfortable to her. The Spirit about
her was one of joy.
We are blessed to mentor a lot of kids in our ministry. So
many kids today are considered unwanted burdens. The crisis of the fatherless is growing each day and those
without the adult male role model are fighting odds that are not in their
favor. Dropping out of school, pregnancy, jail, drugs and more are almost
inevitable when there is no father or male mentor in the lives of a child. The
temporary or live-in boyfriends make things worse.
Even though Pickles daddy wasn't there in body at the coffee
house on Easter, I could see him clear as day. His legacy in his precious towheaded
daughter brought joy and happiness to those she interacted with. His work
ethic, his love of the Lord and his ear for the Holy Spirit when He is present
are gifts Pickles has embraced and understands at a level beyond her years.
As Jesus was
preparing His disciples for His departure He told them in John 14: 25-27, “All
this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Advocate,
the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all
things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace
I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
So many kids never get the blessing of a Godly father's
legacy. Although it is going to be tough, Pickles daddy left her gifts beyond
measure here on earth. She is a good kid. No, she is an amazing kid and I am
blessed by her every time I get to come alongside her and hear her heart, laugh
with her, pray with her, teach her about hunting and fishing. I have probably
let her eat to many pickles and talk me into letting her stay up just a tad bit
later at the camps. The other day I let her order the Extra Long Chili Cheese
Dog at Dairy Queen, it was almost as big as she is tall. She ate every bite of
it and ice cream to boot. A joyful indulgence for one of God' s lambs and my
little angels. Reach out - change a life, help someone else, love on your
family. Email Carla at Packed for Life to help at the coffee shop, info on
Church Under The Bridge or donate.
This is a terrific tribute to Brother Duane and to the work of KOZ. Bless you, TJ!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am soooo inspired adn so blessed already to here of Pickles story. I cannot wait to learn from her and her me! I know God has brought you and I together and with that he is about to do something amazing with me and Pickles. Next week seems like eternity. We are so excited to finally become apart of KOZ and are Gods vessels to be apart of Gods GREAT plan for our lives! Thank you for being Gods feet and mouth TJ! You inspoire many and bless many with your love of our Lord!
Thank you TJ for sharing such a touching story about someone I hold dear.